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The Magic Word is “KDCL”
Song title
Romaji: Majikku Waado wa KDCL
English: The Magic Word is “KDCL”
Original Upload Date
January 3, 2016
GUMI, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len and Hatsune Miku
Inumaru Shibaigoya (music, lyrics, illustration)
70,000+ (NN), 14,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast (deleted) / YouTube Broadcast (deleted)
bilibili Broadcast (reprint)


Japanese Romaji English
あ、おはよー a, ohayoo Hey, good morning!
おはよー ohayoo Good morning!
よく眠れた? yoku nemureta? Get enough sleep last night?
体育疲れでぐっすり眠れた taiiku tsukare de gussuri nemureta Tired from PE, so I slept soundly.
体育つってもそんなにないだろ、僕のところは君の2割増し taiiku tsutte mo sonna ni nai daro, boku no tokoro wa kimi no niwarimashi You say so, but it’s not the PE, ‘cause my situation’s twice as bad as yours.
しょうがないよ shouganai yo So there’s no use!
よく言うぜ! yoku iu ze! Eh, look who’s talking!
全部たいやきになればいいのに zenbu taiyaki ni nareba ii no ni Great, if only everything were to become taiyaki...
にしても、抜き打ちテストさ、ちと多すぎやしないか? ni shite mo, nukiuchi tesuto sa, chito oosugiyashinai ka? If that happened, there’d still be a surprise test—don’t they just pile up after a bit?
科目選択をミスった kamoku sentaku o misutta Totally screwed up my course selection.
たった2年だ、気楽にいこーぜ tatta ninen da, kiraku ni ikou ze No worries, it’s just two years.
是が非でも編入したい ze ga hi demo hennyuu shitai Still, I don’t care how, I wanna be transferred!
いつかどっちでもよくなるって itsuka docchi demo yoku naru tte Don’t you know you’ll be fine wherever you end up someday?
天下分け目の戦いだ tenka wakeme no tatakai da Yes, this is our decisive war.
だいぶオーバーになってきたな daibu oobaa ni natte kita na Really, you’re just blowing this way out of proportion.
なんて言ってる僕らを乗せ電車は進む、淡々と nante itteru bokura o nose densha wa susumu, tantan to Now, as you say that, the train picking us up is advancing, so matter-of-fact.

吐古納新→ tokonoushin That’s out with the old, in with the new.
晨去暮来→ shinkyoborai Well, early to leave, early to return!
磊落豪宕→ rairakugoutou No, have an open heart!
凍解氷釈→ toukaihyoushaku To solve problems quicker than melting ice!
釈近謀遠→ shakukinbouen Even putting the cart before the horse!
鉛刀一割→ entouikkatsu Everything is disposable after one use!
喝采!→ kassai! Everyone, three cheers!
歳月不待→ saigetsufutai So time passes in the blink of an eye, do whatever!
大樹美草→ taijubisou Rest assured, that’s exactly what tall poppy syndrome is!
滄海遺珠→ soukaiishu Sure, that’s what we call being ahead of your time!
秋霜三尺→ shuusousanjaku Every sword is sharpened!
寂光浄土→ jakkoujoudo Do go to Paradise and join Amitabha!
独立独行→ dokuritsudokkou Act according to what you believe!
皓月千里→ kougetsusenri Elegantly, the moonlight shines somewhere far off!
立件!→ rikken! For a criminal case!
捲土重来 kendochourai Efforts redoubling!
来世でまた遊びましょう raise de mata asobimashou Good if we could hang out in the next world, right?

しょうもない演者 shoumonai enja Those stupid performers...

じゃあね jaa ne See ya!
じゃあねー! jaa nee! Ah, see ya!
ねぎにメザシ negi ni mezashi All right, I’ve gotta get dried sardines and negi...
しかしいっつも買い物えらいね! shikashi ittsumo kaimono erai ne! I don’t know how you manage doing all the shopping, anyway!
年がら年中筆持ってる自称画伯の父がいますから nengaranenjuu fude motteru jishou gahaku no chichi ga imasu kara Year after year, my self-styled master painter of a dad keeps swinging his brush, is why.
来週も一緒に遊べる? raishuu mo issho ni asoberu? Yeah, could we hang out next week, then?
留守を任せても、大丈夫かな・・・ rusu o makasete mo, daijoubu kana… No, I can’t trust him to be at home alone...
なんか心配事でもあるの? nanka shinpaigoto demo aru no? Easy, easy, don’t you have too many worries?
野放しにしとくと後始末が nobanashi ni shitoku to atoshimatsu ga Sure, if I let him run amok, I’ll have to prepare to clean up afterwards.
外見はすっごくいいのに gaiken wa suggoku ii no ni Shit, if only he weren’t such a hottie...
似てないってよく言われます nitenai tte yoku iwaremasu Everybody tells me we don’t look alike at all.
素敵だよ!おじさんもあなたも! suteki da yo! oji-san mo anata mo! Lies, you look fantastic, both of you!
もう!からかわないでください! mou! karakawanaide kudasai! Uh, sure, in what fantasy world?
いいじゃんか!減ったりしないし! ii jan ka! hettari shinai shi! Don’t make such a big deal out of it, it’s all fine!
しないけど、恥ずかしいんですよ!! shinai kedo, hazukashii ndesu yo! Embarrassing is what it is, shut—
夜に差し掛かった道で猫の目が光る、爛々と yoru ni sashikakatta michi de neko no me ga hikaru, ranran to The road over which the sky was on the verge of turning to night was where a cat’s eyes blazed with light.

徒手空拳→ toshukuuken Trouble is, I’m empty-handed.
見微知著→ kenbichicho Don’t just see the trees, see the forest!
超軼絶塵→ chouitsuzetsujin This horse can’t be outrun!
迅速果断→ jinsokukadan Never hesitate, take decisive action!
暖衣飽食→ dan’ihoushoku No such thing as too well-fed or too well-dressed!
蜀犬吠日→ shokukenhaijitsu Doubters gonna doubt!
実装!→ jissou! This is implementation!
相思相愛→ soushisouai Neither side is unrequited in their love!
愛及屋烏→ aikyuuokuu Even the crows on that person’s roof are precious to me!
空即是色→ kuusokuzeshiki Emptiness is form!
士気高揚→ shikikouyou Morale is raised!
容貌端正→ youboutansei Damn, your face is kissable!
生地安行→ seichiankou Each action is clear as day!
金剛不壊→ kongoufue You’re sturdy as a rock!
謁見!→ ekken! King, it’s a pleasure!
捲土重来 kendochourai Efforts redoubling!
来世でまた遊びましょ! raise de mata asobimasho! Good if we could hang out in the next world, yes?

ショートケーキとレモネード shootokeeki to remoneedo Shortcake and a lemonade glass?
ドーナツとストロベリーティー doonatsu to sutoroberii tii Some donuts and strawberry tea.
ティラミスとキウイスカッシュ tiramisu to kiui sukasshu A tiramisu and kiwi squash!
シューアイスとミルクティー shuuaisu to miruku tii Hello, I’d like choux ice and a milk tea.
以上!!!! ijou!!! All right, that’s it!!!

上位互換→ jouigokan This is backward compatible!
感無量→ kanmuryou Emotion surges through my soul!
良妻賢母→ ryousaikenbo Lady, you’re a good wife and wise mother!
ボーキサイト→ bookisaito Rock, specifically bauxite!
意倒随筆→ itouzuihitsu Every brushstroke should be as you wish it!
必然的→ hitsuzenteki That’s an inevitability!
適材適所→ tekizaitekisho You're the right person in the right place!
精進潔斎→ shoujinkessai Eating meat’s a no-no, I’m purifying myself!
最北端→ saihokutan Far off is the extremity!
単刀直入→ tantouchokunyuu You cut right to the point!
入渠→ nyuukyo Trying to dock here!
狂瀾怒涛→ kyourandotou Everything is in great turmoil!
桃源洞裡→ tougendoori Like a hidden Garden of Eden!
臨戦態勢→ rinsentaisei Now is when we prepare for war!
成層圏→ seisouken Right to the stratosphere!
捲土重来 kendochourai Efforts redoubling!
来世でまた遊びましょう raise de mata asobimashou Good if we could hang out in the next world, yeah?

ショーウィンドウ→ shoo uindou How much is that doggy in the window!
童子切→ doujigiri Whoosh, and it’s off with the demon’s head!
義理人情→ girininjou Duty and humanity!
情緒不安定→ jouchofuantei You’re emotionally unstable!
ていたらく→ teitaraku Everything’s a mess!
洛中→ rakuchuu Situated inside the capital!
駐輪場→ chuurinjou Leave your bike here!
城下→ jouka Everywhere surrounding a castle!
活殺自在→ kassatsujizai Eternal power of life and death!
在在所所→ zaizaishosho Here and there and everywhere!
小籠包→ shouronpou Eat a basket of xiaolongbao!
ポートワイン→ pooto wain Open a bottle of port wine!
因果関係→ ingakankei Effects have causes!
軽妙洒脱→ keimyoushadatsu Stay smart and polished!
奪還→ dakkan Deliverance!
勘定→ kanjou Economical calculating!
乗車券→ joushaken Getcha tickets here!
捲土重来 kendochourai Efforts redoubling!
来世でまた遊びましょ raise de mata asobimasho Good if we could hang out in the next world...

しょうがいないなぁ shou ga inai naa Don’t count on it in this life, though.

English translation by MeaningfulUsername

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