Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

! Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Violence); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

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Song title
Pinyin: Wǔchóng Kōngdòng
Official English: Reveal[1]
English: Part 5 - Emptiness
Original Upload Date
April 28, 2016
Luo Tianyi and Yuezheng Ling
DELA (music, arrangement)
Yu Li (lyrics, story)
Digger (tuning)
Electricpoison (mix)
Lune (illustration)
Yi Zhe Qi Shou (video)
bilibili Broadcast / Youtube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Singer Luo Tianyi
(as Ling Luo, of the subconscious)
Yuezheng Ling
(as Ling Yu, the betrayer)
Both PV Text
Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音) English
经验不足的人,往往将世界坍塌的真实征兆,仅视作司空见惯的“预感” Those who are lacking in experience, tend to regard the real warning signs of the world's collapse as nothing more than a common, everyday feeling of "premonition".
而预感,正是未必成真,也未必绝不成真的侥幸 But this premonition, even if it may not come to fruition, may not necessarily be a lucky fluke with zero probability of being realized.

是谁将沧桑的离歌奏响 shì shéi jiāng cāngsāng de lí gē zòu xiǎng Who is playing the song of farewell, to those great changes?
配我诗意的弹唱 pèi wǒ shīyì de tánchàng Accompanied by my poetic singing
少年人的心伤 shàonián rén de xīn shāng A young man's heartbreak
无病呻吟的最后 wúbìngshēnyín de zuìhòu The pretentious[2] ending (to the song)
还不是借着旋律你来我往捉迷藏 hái bùshì jiè zhe xuánlǜ nǐ lái wǒ wǎng zhuōmícáng is nothing but playing hide and seek with melodies
可若连这点消遣也失去 kě ruò lián zhè diǎn xiāoqiǎn yě shīqù But if we lose small pleasures such as these
与被世界遗忘何异 yǔ bèi shìjiè yíwàng hé yì is it any different than being forgotten by the world?
刻骨铭心过的爱也被鹊占鸠巢 kègǔmíngxīn guò de ài yě bèi quèzhànjiūcháo This unforgettable love was too, replaced by another
面目全非中醒来 miànmùquánfēi zhōng xǐng lái And I woke up in an unrecognizable place

瓢泼大雨中我竟呆滞哭不出一丝声音 piáopōdàyǔ zhōng wǒ jìng dāizhì kū bù chū yīsī shēngyīn I suddenly stopped in the pouring rain and silently cried
写不出来哪怕一个音符去祭奠你 xiě bù chūlái nǎpà yīgè yīnfú qù jìdiàn nǐ Unable to write a single note I mourn you
被掏空的心和满怀空白谱纸一样凄清 bèi tāo kōng de xīn hé mǎnhuái kòngbái pǔ zhǐ yīyàng qīqīng My emptied heart is as dreary as the blank sheet paper
误以为油墨味便是你留下的气息 wù yǐwéi yóumò wèi biàn shì nǐ liú xià de qìxí I mistakenly believe that the smell of ink carries traces of your scent

背对着我一跃而下的女孩在呼唤 bèi duì zhe wǒ yī yuè ér xià de nǚhái zài hūhuàn The girl who jumped with her back to me is calling out
离开了我抛弃了我将我狠狠伤害 líkāi le wǒ pāoqì le wǒ jiāng wǒ hěn hěn shānghài You left me, abandoned me, severely hurt me
然而你的目光是那样一如既往地温暖 rán'ér nǐ de mùguāng shì nàyàng yīrújìwǎng de wēnnuǎn However, your eyes are just as warm as always
融化了层层叠叠妄想的违和感 rónghuà le céngcéngdiédié wàngxiǎng de wéihé gǎn Dissolving the inharmonious feelings brought by layers of delusion

你停留在我无法追逐的记忆彼岸 nǐ tíngliú zài wǒ wúfǎ zhuīzhú de jìyì bǐ'àn You stay on the other side of my memory where I cannot chase you
永远不会再回来 yǒngyuǎn bù huì zài huílái Never to return
你沉睡在我无法触及的牢笼那端 nǐ chénshuì zài wǒ wúfǎ chùjí de láolóng nà duān You sleep in that other side of the prison just beyond my grasp
思念亲手偷换 sīniàn qīnshǒu tōuhuàn Longing to personally substitute you with another
多希望你的现实是我异想天开 duō xīwàng nǐ de xiànshí shì wǒ yìxiǎngtiānkāi How I hope your reality is my deepest fantasy
永远不会再回来 yǒngyuǎn bù huì zài huílái Never to return
泪水与凋零的花瓣是同样的色彩 lèishuǐ yǔ diāolíng de huābàn shì tóngyàng de sècǎi Tears are the same color as the fallen petals
思念被偷换 sīniàn bèi tōu huàn Longing to be substituted by another

内心被揭露感(experience of being revealed) The experience of being revealed
又称被洞悉感。 Also called the feeling of being known from the inside out.
患者认为其内心的想法或者患者本人及其与家人之间的隐私,未经患者文字的表达,别人就知道了。 The patient believes that their thoughts or intimate secrets have been found out by others, without the patient's verbal conveyance.
很多患者不清楚别人是通过什么方式、方法了解到他内心想法的。 In many cases the patient is unclear on the ways and methods on how the others are able to understand their inner thoughts.
当被洞悉感严重到一定程度之后,表层意识可能被穿透,导致潜意识暴露在外。 When the feeling of being known from the inside out is severe to a certain level, the surface consciousness is able to be pierced through, causing the subconscious to be exposed.

投射性认同 Projective Identification
是一个人诱导他人以一种限定的方式行动或者做出反应人际行为模式 Wherein one induces others to behave in a restricted manner or behave in a certain pattern in reaction.
其源自内在世界,并将其置于人际关系领域。 This originates from their inner self, and is located in the domain of their interpersonal relationships.
成为被投射的目标的人可能永远都不会知道这一点。 The person who becomes the target of projection is likely to never find out about this little bit.
在投射认同中,接受者被迫对于投射者的投射性幻想做出反应, In projective identification, the receiver is forced to make a reaction to the projector's projective fantasies.
如果没有意识到这一点,接受者会在不知不觉中,成为进行投射的人感受和内在表象的储存室。 If the projector were not to realize that they are projecting, then the receiver will unwittingly become the storage receptacle of the projector's feelings and inner image.
其结果形成了一种“接受者被迫以一种与投射者释放出来的感受一致, Ultimately, this takes shape into a form of relationship wherein "the receiver is forced to think, feel, and behave in a way
且与投射性幻想中的自体表象和客体表现一致的方式来思考、感受和行为”的关系。 that is identical with the feelings released by the projector and the projective fantasy's self-image and object representation."

拥抱我 无法被割舍的挚友 yǒngbào wǒ wúfǎ bèi gēshě de zhìyǒu Hug me, my inseparable friend
指引我走出迷惑 zhǐyǐn wǒ zǒuchū míhuò Guide me out of this confusion
石蒜红色双眸 shísuàn hóngsè shuāngmóu Eyes red like a spider lily
倒影在无言地诉说 dàoyǐng zài wú yán de sùshuō Reflecting while wordlessly telling
不肯放手的执着 如何滋养了心魔 bù kěn fàngshǒu de zhízhuó rúhé zīyǎng le xīn mó How the stubbornness to not let go has nourished the inner demon

崩落的我 bēngluò de wǒ Collapsed me
懦弱的我 nuòruò de wǒ Weak me
妄想的我 wàngxiǎng de wǒ Delusional me
被推落 bèi tuī luò was pushed down
你对我说 nǐ duì wǒ shuō You speak to me
叹息着说 tànxí zhe shuō Saying with a sigh
本不该问为什么 běn bù gāi wèn wèishénme You shouldn’t have asked why

你和我被囚禁在执迷不悟的虚妄世界 nǐ hé wǒ bèi qiújìn zài zhímíbùwù de xūwàng shìjiè You and I are imprisoned in this fabricated and unrepentant world
每一个幻影都在哭着求我们安眠 měi yī gè huànyǐng dū zài kū zhe qiú wǒmen ānmián All of the illusions are crying while begging for us to sleep peacefully
谁的温馨予以孤独的人可依存的错觉 shéi de wēnxīn yǔyǐ gūdú de rén kě yīcún de cuòjué Whosever warmth allows lonely people’s illusions to exist
命运阶梯往下是万劫不复的深渊 mìngyùn jiētī wǎng xià shì wànjiébùfù de shēnyuān The steps of fate lead down into a never ending abyss

请看这幅童话般梦幻残忍的画面 qǐng kàn zhè fú tónghuà bān mènghuàn cánrěn de huàmiàn Please look at the shattered image of this fairytale-like dreamland
究竟是谁将椎心泣血的情感欺骗 jiùjìng shì shéi jiāng chuí xīn qì xuè de qínggǎn qīpiàn In the end who is the one that had caused them to be deceived and heartbroken?
纵然固执化作的锁链让时间停滞不前 zòngrán gùzhí huà zuò de suǒliàn ràng shíjiān tíngzhì bù qián Even though my stubbornness has trapped me in this repeating timeline
也换不来一句能够回放的再见 yě huànbùlái yījù nénggòu huífàng de zàijiàn it still could not allow for a re-playable goodbye

你将逃离这自欺欺人的因果螺旋 nǐ jiāng táolí zhè zìqīqīrén de yīnguǒ luóxuán You will escape this karmic spiral of self-deception
永远不会再回来 yǒngyuǎn bù huì zài huílái Never to return
你将解开这莫名纠结的荒诞梦魇 nǐ jiāng jiě kāi zhè mòmíng jiūjié de huāngdàn mèngyǎn You will make sense of this absurd nightmare
潜意识被篡改 qiányìshí bèi cuàngǎi My subconscious has been tampered with
多希望你的现实是我异想天开 duō xīwàng nǐ de xiànshí shì wǒ yìxiǎngtiānkāi How I hope your reality is my deepest fantasy
永远不会再回来 yǒngyuǎn bù huì zài huílái Never to return
保持着虔诚为你祈祷不变的姿态 bǎochí zhe qiánchéng wèi nǐ qídǎo bù biàn de zītài I maintain piety and pray for you
意识被篡改 yìshí bèi cuàngǎi My perception has been tampered with

瓢泼大雨中我竟哭不出一丝声音 piáopō dàyǔ zhōng wǒ jìng kū bù chū yīsī shēngyīn I suddenly stopped in the pouring rain and silently cried
写不出来哪怕一个音符去祭奠你 xiě bù chūlái nǎpà yīgè yīnfú qù jìdiàn nǐ Unable to write a single note I mourn you
被掏空的心和满怀空白谱纸一样凄清 bèi tāo kōng de xīn hé mǎnhuái kòngbái pǔ zhǐ yīyàng qīqīng My emptied heart is as dreary as the blank sheet paper
误以为油墨味便是你留下的气息 wù yǐwéi yóumò wèi biàn shì nǐ liú xià de qìxí I mistakenly believe that the smell of ink carries traces of your scent

我被囚禁在执迷不悟的虚妄世界 wǒ bèi qiújìn zài zhímíbùwù de xūwàng shì jiè I am imprisoned within this fabricated and unrepentant world
每一个幻影都在哭着求我去安眠 měi yīgè huànyǐng dū zài kūzhe qiú wǒ qù ānmián Every delusion is crying and begging for me to sleep peacefully
温馨一度让我丧失对悲剧存在的警觉 wēnxīn yīdù ràng wǒ sàngshī duì bēijù cúnzài de jǐngjué Your warmth once caused me to let down my guard against the existence of tragedy
于是我被大脑降下最严厉的惩戒 yúshì wǒ bèi dànǎo jiàngxià zuì yánlì de chéngjiè I was thus put into a state of severe punishment by my own brain

从今天起我独自将过往梦想拾起 cóng jīntiān qǐ wǒ dúzì jiāng guòwǎng mèngxiǎng shí qǐ From today on I alone will pick up the dreams I lost in the past
即使你已经离去 jíshǐ nǐ yǐjīng lí qù Even if you have already left
从今天起我通过爱恋和罪孽缝隙 cóng jīntiān qǐ wǒ tōngguò àiliàn hé zuìniè fèngxì Starting today I will walk through the narrow crack between love and sin
回望现实大地 huí wàng xiàn shí dàdì and return to reality
请勿嘲笑我这支离破碎的内心 qǐng wù cháoxiào wǒ zhè zhīlípòsuì de nèixīn Please don’t ridicule me for my shattered heart
五重空洞的梦境 wǔ chóng kōngdòng de mèngjìng Emptiness, the fifth layer of this dream
请保佑我能直面镜中诞生的扭曲 qǐng bǎoyòu wǒ néng zhímiàn jìng zhōng dànshēng de niǔqū Please bless me so that I can confront the distortion born out of the mirror
拯救我自己 zhěngjiù wǒ zìjǐ I will save myself

English translation by Kyubnyan, corrected by CoolMikeHatsune22

Translation Notes[]

  1. The themes of this song are 'the experience of being revealed' (内心被揭露感), also called 'the feeling of being known from the inside out' (洞悉感), which is the strong belief that one's thoughts or intimate secrets have been found out by others, without the sufferer’s verbal conveyance, even despite not knowing how the others might possibly be able to understand their inner thoughts, and projective identification.
  2. 无病呻吟 lit. 'to moan and groan without being ill', met. 'to make a fuss despite not having experienced any pain'


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links[]

