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Liang Yu
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 涼雨
Pinyin: Liáng Yǔ
English: Cool Rain
Original Upload Date
February 23, 2017
Luo Tianyi
COP (music, lyrics)
Wei Tu (video)
柏岳丝 (illustration)
Ayuan Adam (mix)
鼟 (illustration)
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Chinese Pinyin English
风透过人潮渐渐停歇的下雨天 fēng tòuguò réncháo jiànjiàn tíngxiē de xià yǔtiān The wind blows through the fading crowd on a rainy day
将平凡的故事翻到末页 jiāng píngfán de gùshì fān dào mò yè Turning an ordinary story to its final page
并未留下浓重的墨点 bìng wèi liú xià nóngzhòng de mò diǎn Not leaving a dark spot of ink
在字里行间流连 zài zìlǐhángjiān liúlián Flowing among the lines

最接近夜的灰褪去的那抹苍蓝 zuì jiējìn yè de huī tuìqù de nà mǒ cāng lán The gray of the approaching night fades away the azure
凝结成悲欢震颤伞面 níngjié chéng bēi huān zhènchàn sǎn miàn Condensing into joy and sorrow quivering on an umbrella
究竟要千百次多强烈 jiùjìng yào qiān bǎi cì duō qiángliè How many times stronger must it be
才能激起方寸漪涟 cáinéng jī qǐ fāngcùn yī lián For it to start ripples in the heart

空泛 谁的戏言 kōngfàn shéi de xìyán Someone’s hollow teasing
在某个夏日黄昏晕散 zài mǒu gè xià rì huánghūn yūn sàn Spreads on a certain summer evening
被鸣蝉 散播遥远 bèi míng chán sànbò yáoyuǎn Transmitted by the cry of cicadas
传达到你所在的明天 chuándá dào nǐ suǒzài de míngtiān To the tomorrow where you are

在明天 驻足无人的车站 zài míngtiān zhùzú wú rén de chēzhàn Tomorrow, at a stop no one passes by
久别的阳炎越过无尽的深蓝 jiǔbié de yáng yán yuèguò wújìn de shēnlán The long awaited sun crosses the infinite blue
越过每寸黑夜 yuèguò měi cùn hēiyè Crossing every inch of the dark sky
与我重逢在梅雨季节 yǔ wǒ chóngféng zài méiyǔ jìjié Reuniting with me on the rainy season

雨迹的蜿蜒 干涸的思念 yǔ jī de wān yán gānhé de sīniàn Meandering raindrops, dried-up yearning
腐朽的栏杆锈迹斑斑 fǔxiǔ de lángān xiù jī bānbān A dilapidated railing covered in rust
一如从前而截然相反 yī rú cóngqián ér jiérán xiāng fǎn Just like before yet completely opposite
仿佛两人曾经相携 fǎngfú liǎng rén céngjīng xiāng xié As if we two had cared for each other

余音轻颤 不协和和弦 yúyīn qīng chàn bù xiéhé héxián Trembling echos, discordant harmonies
孤独的今天仍让人如此疲惫怠倦 gūdú de jīntiān réng ràng rén rúcǐ píbèi dài juàn A lonely day like today still makes people tired and burnt-out
令这街道默然 lìng zhè jiēdào mòrán Silencing the street

城市从不缺机械冰冷之物陪伴 chéngshì cóng bù quē jīxiè bīnglěng zhī wù péibàn The city has no shortage of cold mechanical things for company
如0与1交织的贪婪 rú líng yǔ yî jiāozhī de tānlán Like greed interwoven with zeros and ones
慢慢将这颗心染黑了 mànmàn jiāng zhè kē xīn rǎn hēile That slowly dye this heart black
又让我如此迷恋 yòu ràng wǒ rúcǐ míliàn Yet it makes me so intoxicated

即使这种矛盾普遍地存于世间 jíshǐ zhè zhǒng máodùn pǔbiàn de cún yú shìjiān Even if this paradox is so common in the world
麻木如我也感到赧然 mámù rú wǒ yě gǎndào nǎnrán I still feel uneasy even with being numb
不得不随波逐流的今天 bùdé bù suíbōzhúliú de jīntiān A day forced to drift along
渐渐对自我生厌 jiànjiàn duì zìwǒ shēng yàn Gradually makes me disgusted with myself

街灯将 这城市渲染如昼 jiēdēng jiāng zhè chéngshì xuànrǎn rú zhòu Streetlights make the city shine like day
但再相似的光明也没有理由 dàn zài xiāngsì de guāngmíng yě méiyǒu lǐyóu But even such similar light has no reason
取代任何丑陋 qǔdài rènhé chǒulòu To replace any of the ugliness
却有些许温度的残留 què yǒu xiēxǔ wēndù de cánliú Yet there is some remnant of warmth

泪痕的蜿蜒 枯竭的语言 lèihén de wān yán kūjié de yǔyán Meandering tear-streaks, withered words
夏日的余光隐匿不见 xià rì de yú guāng yǐnnì bùjiàn The last light of summer hidden and lost
不似从前又渴望看见 bù shì cóngqián yòu kěwàng kànjiàn Unlike before yet longing to see
泛黄却绮丽的画面 fàn huáng què qǐlì de huàmiàn That faded but beautiful scene

雨声潺潺 混杂着悲叹 yǔ shēng chánchán hùnzázhe bēitàn Sobbing mixed with the murmur of rain
谁人在无人问津的街角无声祈愿 shéi rén zài wú rén wènjīn de jiējiǎo wúshēng qí yuàn Someone is silently wishing at a corner no one cares about
让季节停止哽咽 ràng jìjié tíngzhǐ gěngyàn For the seasons to stop crying

将世界最后的空白刻印在斑驳心海 jiāng shìjiè zuìhòu de kòngbái kèyìn zài bānbó xīn hǎi Carving the blank space at the end of the world into my tattered heart
而我等蜉蝣只得抒发不足日的无奈 ér wǒ děng fúyóu zhǐdé shū fǎ bùzú rì de wúnài I wait and flounder, only to be unable to express my frustration
无名歌者哼唱着积雨云为之落泪的歌在人海 wúmíng gē zhě hēng chàngzhe jī yǔ yún wéi zhī luò lèi de gē zài rén hǎi A nameless singer among the crowd hums a song of storm cloud’s tears

浅色墨点 排列的平凡 qiǎn sè mò diǎn páiliè de píngfán Light spots of ink, an ordinary arrangement
也高歌不止直至终焉 yě gāogē bùzhǐ zhízhì zhōng yān Singing loudly regardless of the ending
即使离别 千万次泫然 jíshǐ líbié qiān wàn cì xuànrán Despite the partings, and millions of teary eyes
我仍不甘匍匐于此 wǒ réng bùgān púfú yú cǐ I won’t be content wallowing here

越过黑夜后渐变的蓝 yuèguò hēiyè hòu jiànbiàn de lán Crossing the blue of the night passing
你脉搏中的熟悉温度 nǐ màibó zhōng de shúxī wēndù The familiar warmth in your veins
终与我重逢 zhōng yǔ wǒ chóngféng Will finally reunite with me
在凉雨停歇的那天 zài liáng yǔ tíngxiē de nèitiān On the day the cool rain stops

English translation by alterist64

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