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Yìyǔ Hóngchén
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 囈語紅塵
Pinyin: Yìyǔ Hóngchén
English: Raving in the World of Mortals
Original Upload Date
April 30, 2015
Luo Tianyi
Wugui (music)
St (lyrics)
Nalan Xunfeng (tuing)
Su Fei (illustration)
NekoLoco (video)
360,000+ (BB), 20,000+ (YT)
bilibili Broadcast (deleted) / YouTube Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin
黃梅雨聲聲叩心門 Huáng méiyǔ shēng shēng kòu xīn mén
點芭蕉愁煞了離人 diǎn bājiāo chóu shāle lí rén
漆窗上斑駁著絳粉 qī chuāng shàng bānbózhe jiàng fěn
比我憔顏紅淚亂妝痕 bǐ wǒ qiáo yán hóng lèi luàn zhuāng hén

盤桓過幽徑草莘莘 pánhuánguò yōu jìng cǎo shēn shēn
顰蹙間冷暖誰過問 píncù jiān lěngnuǎn shuí guòwèn
煮淡酒閨中我獨斟 zhǔ dàn jiǔ guī zhōng wǒ dú zhēn
酣言囈語模糊了紅塵 hān yán yìyǔ móhúle hóngchén

夢遊桃源落英錯紛紛 mèngyóu táoyuán luòyīng cuò fēnfēn
修筠蒼翠葉底幾頭新筍 xiū yún cāngcuì yè dǐ jǐ tóu xīn sǔn
黃鶯婉囀陣陣 huángyīng wǎn zhuàn zhèn zhèn
凡世流言蜚語耳無聞 fán shì liúyán fēiyǔ ěr wú wén

彷彿 遁入仙境霧靄正氤氳 fǎngfú dùn rù xiānjìng wù'ǎi zhèng yīnyūn
蒼柏勁松萬千聚植成林 cāng bǎi jìnsōng wàn qiān jù zhí chéng lín
閒情逸致幾分 xiánqíngyìzhì jǐ fēn
登高長嘯踏歌賞良辰 dēnggāo chángxiào tàgē shǎng liángchén
歸本真 guī běn zhēn

夢驟醒孑然​​回如今 mèng zhòu xǐng jiérán​​huí rújīn
簾外雨落花杳無音 lián wài yǔ luòhuā yǎo wúyīn
石磚上溶蝕著窪印 shí zhuān shàng róngshízhe wā yìn
似我日漸消瘦骨嶙峋 sì wǒ rìjiàn xiāo shòugǔlínxún

望不見城府有多深 wàng bùjiàn chéngfǔ yǒu duō shēn
守空閣今朝誰探尋 shǒu kōng gé jīnzhāo shuí tànxún
形影單煢煢立一身 xíngyǐng dān qióngqióng lì yìshēn
只得執酒醉看這紅塵 zhǐdé zhí jiǔ zuì kàn zhè hóngchén

醉看桃源花雨落紛紛 zuì kàn táoyuán huā yǔ luò fēnfēn
茂林修竹春泥頂出新筍 mào línxiūzhú chūnní dǐng chū xīn sǔn
燕子間關陣陣 yànzi jiān guān zhèn zhèn
坊間亂耳絲竹何處聞 fāngjiān luàn ěr sīzhú hé chù wén

欲擬 駕鶴雲遊蓬萊霧氤氳 yù nǐ jià hè yúnyóu pénglái wù yīnyūn
松柏入石遍山斜矗成林 sōngbǎi rù shí biàn shān xié chù chéng lín
而今醉意幾分 érjīn zuìyì jǐ fēn
於此盡歡紛擾暫不論 yú cǐ jìn huān fēnrǎo zhàn bú lùn
忘紅塵 wàng hóngchén

External links[]
