Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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! Warning: This song contains questionable elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page are found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

异物簿 守墓人
Song title
"异物簿 守墓人"
Traditional Chinese: 異物簿 守墓人
Pinyin: Yìwù Bù Shǒu Mù Rén
Original Upload Date
August 13, 2016
Adam_K (music, arrangement, mix)
Ying Sui Long Feng (tuning, planning)
Xi Zhong Ren (lyrics)
soso (illustration)
Bung Kon (video)
82,000+ (BB), 850+ (YT)
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin
桦树林的北方偏远的小村莊 huà shùlín de běifāng piānyuǎn de xiǎo cūnzhuāng
曾有一位少年所见无碍阴阳 céng yǒuyī wèi shàonián suǒjiàn wú ài yīnyáng
安魂之歌唱响那曲调悠扬 ān hún zhī gēchàng xiǎng nà qǔdiào yōuyáng
歌声之中往来幽魂不再彷徨 gēshēng zhī zhōng wǎnglái yōuhún bù zài fǎnghuáng

无端排挤诽谤肆意恶语中伤 wúduān páijǐ fěibàng sìyì èyǔ zhòngshāng
得见亡魂之人却被视作不祥 dé jiàn wánghún zhī rén què bèi shì zuò bùxiáng
少年孤身前往寂静的墓场 shàonián gūshēn qiánwǎng jìjìng de mùchǎng
日复一日守候在屍骸的身旁 rì fù yī rì shǒuhòu zài shīhái de shēn páng

苍白磷火点亮这寂静的墓场 cāngbái línhuǒ diǎn liàng zhè jìjìng de mùchǎng
今日又有谁的棺椁将於此处被安放 jīnrì yòu yǒu shéi de guānguǒ jiāng yú cǐ chù bèi ānfàng
谁在低声吟唱眸光清澈明亮 shéi zài dī shēng yínchàng móu guāng qīngchè míngliàng
别畏惧死亡您将前往永恒的故乡 bié wèijù sǐwáng nín jiāng qiánwǎng yǒnghéng de gùxiāng

午夜钟声敲响死者爬出墓葬 wǔyè zhōng shēng qiāo xiǎng sǐzhě pá chū mùzàng
白骨凛若寒霜幽灵在遊荡 báigǔ lǐn ruò hán shuāng yōulíng zài yóudàng
守墓人提著油灯站在一旁 shǒu mù rén tízhe yóudēng zhàn zài yīpáng
见證暗夜狂欢隆重开场 jiànzhèng ànyè kuánghuān lóng chóng kāichǎng
阴影之中徜徉逝者俱欢畅 yīnyǐng zhī zhōng chángyáng shì zhě jù huānchàng
只有生人孤寂形影成双 zhǐyǒu shēng rén gūjì xíngyǐng chéng shuāng

坟茔之中掩藏那破旧的木房 fényíng zhī zhōng yǎncáng nà pòjiù de mù fáng
谁人久居其中挨过年岁漫长 shéi rén jiǔjū qízhōng āi guònián suì màncháng
生人匆匆来往将死者安葬 shēng rén cōngcōng láiwǎng jiàng sǐzhě ānzàng
守墓人在阴影之中静静凝望 shǒu mù rén zài yīnyǐng zhī zhōng jìngjìng níngwàng

人世就像孤岛一方 rénshì jiù xiàng gūdǎo yīfāng
本无地狱亦无天堂 běn wú dìyù yì wú tiāntáng
逝者安息在墓园里徜徉 shì zhě ānxí zài mù yuán lǐ chángyáng
生人又何故悲伤 shēng rén yòu hégù bēishāng

荏苒的时光腐朽了皮囊 rěnrǎn de shíguāng fǔxiǔle pínáng
守墓人终究迎来了死亡 shǒu mù rén zhōngjiù yíng láile sǐwáng
他浅吟低唱眼神明亮 tā qiǎn yín dī chàng yǎnshén míngliàng
吾终归於故乡 wú zhōngguī yú gùxiāng

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