Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
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! Warning: This song contains questionable elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page are found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.

Song title
"Dear Halcyon"
Original Upload Date
November 30, 2015
Revisit: Feb.20.2016
Middernachtt P (music, lyrics, illustration, video)
600+ (YT), 100+ (NN)
Revisit: 100+
YouTube Broadcast (deleted) / Niconico Broadcast (deleted)
Revisit: YouTube Broadcast (deleted)


Lost yet again alone in these dark woods
There is no one there for me
Dark woods erupt too, through the mild lapses
We're stuck in this mess just us two
I cannot see a thing through all your lies
Is my presence not enough?

I am not just a stupid little crow
Shut up, you fool, the mirror reflects more than you see
Shout it back at me, your true feelings
I want to hear you shout
Even though I saved your skin, you're
just another ungrateful brat
"It is all okay." We had thought
Dear Halcyon, where are you?
Burning in this hell, I rot
waiting for you to drop the gun

Another day passes, I understand
I knew you would never come
Yet I tried to believe you would come back
I guess that I'm truly a fool

Locked between your eyes and my past mistakes
I just let your flower burn
Who am I to keep living this way?
What right do I've to even leave?
I washed it all to forget your existence

Where did you go to become what you are
DaWn BrEaKs EaRlY ToDaY
yEt In My HeAd

Beyond repair you were
I jUsT rAn AwAy
Then I can't "CHANGE"


To where did my true feelings go?
I without thought ran for you
Beyond this doubt, I really
did try to save everyone

Don't look at me with those eyes too
This Prison's not a shelter
Another crimson dream screams now
After today, I'll say, "good night"

"Good night"

External Links
