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Song title
Original Upload Date
June 25, 2017
Penzi Jun (music)
此木阿柴 (lyrics)
bilibili Broadcast


Chinese Pinyin English
善意悄悄躲藏 shànyì qiāoqiāo duǒcáng Goodwill goes into hiding
罪恶放肆猖狂 zuì'è fàngsì chāngkuáng Evil goes berserk
努力无处安放 nǔlì wú chù ānfàng Effort is nowhere to be found
权利至高无上 quánlì zhìgāowúshàng Entitlement reigns supreme
是我没有力量 shì wǒ méiyǒu lìliàng So I don't hold any power
活该受一身伤 huógāi shòu yīshēn shāng I get hurt, serves me right
随着众生 信仰荒唐 suízhe zhòngshēng xìnyǎng huāngtáng Like all living creatures, I have absurd beliefs
赞美这世事无常 zànměi zhè shìshì wúcháng I praise the disarray of our lives

水蓝色的星球 shuǐ lán sè de xīngqiú Heavenly bodies that are blue as water
均衡宇宙长久 jūnhéng yǔzhòu chángjiǔ The long-lasting harmony of the universe
是谁破坏按钮 shì shéi pòhuài ànniǔ So someone's 'big red button'
不知不觉生锈 bùzhī bù jué shēng xiù Rusts away without knowing
天平渐渐倾倒 tiānpíng jiànjiàn qīngdǎo The scales gradually topple over
病毒扩散出逃 bìngdú kuòsàn chūtáo Viruses scatter and flee
看不到 kàn bù dào They're invisible
谁有双眼却看不到 shéi yǒu shuāngyǎn què kàn bù dào We all have eyes, but we still can't see them-
这世道 zhè shìdào These morals we hold

漏洞恶意扩大 lòudòng èyì kuòdà The cracks of evil grow wider
公正合理崩塌 gōngzhèng hélǐ bēngtā Fairness and reason collapse
这步伐 zhè bùfá With this pace,
没人停下 指点不法 méi rén tíng xià zhǐdiǎn bùfǎ nobody will stop to point out the corruption
装聋哑 zhuāng lóng yǎ They act deaf and mute
是我视而不见 shì wǒ shì'érbùjiàn So I turn a blind eye
也正噤声不言 yě zhèng jìnshēng bù yán And rightly shut my mouth
谁审判 shéi shěnpàn People hold trial
怀着世俗偏见 huáizhe shìsú piānjiàn Keeping in mind their custom of prejudice
去欺骗 qù qīpiàn They go and play their tricks

骗*23 piàn x23 tricks x23

善意悄悄躲藏 shànyì qiāoqiāo duǒcáng Goodwill goes into hiding
罪恶放肆猖狂 zuì'è fàngsì chāngkuáng Evil goes berserk
努力无处安放 nǔlì wú chù ānfàng Effort is nowhere to be found
权利至高无上 quánlì zhìgāowúshàng Entitlement reigns supreme
是我没有力量 shì wǒ méiyǒu lìliàng So I don't hold any power
活该受一身伤 huógāi shòu yīshēn shāng I get hurt, serves me right
随着众生 信仰荒唐 suízhe zhòngshēng xìnyǎng huāngtáng Like all living creatures, I have absurd beliefes
赞美这世事无常 zànměi zhè shìshì wúcháng I praise the disarray of our lives

有人生来尊贵 yǒurén shēnglái zūnguì Some people are honorable since birth
有人本就卑微 yǒurén běn jiù bēiwéi Some people have been petty their whole lives
公正本无定位 gōngzhèng běn wú dìngwèi Equality has never had a place in this world
合法从未相配 héfǎ cóng wèi xiāngpèi And righteousness has never been compatible
嘴上挂着绝对 zuǐ shàng guàzhe juéduì The absolute hangs on my lips
歧视深入骨髓 qíshì shēnrù gǔsuǐ Discrimination permeates my bones
无所谓 wúsuǒwèi It doesn't matter, though
剧本写好出演无罪 jùběn xiěhào chūyǎn wú zuì The script is complete, I innocently play my part
谁有罪 shéi yǒuzuì Then who is guilty?

面具带了太久 miànjù dàile tài jiǔ I've worn this mask too long
早已融入骨肉 zǎoyǐ róngrù gǔròu I've long since blended in with my kindred
不逗留 bù dòuliú I don't stop
光芒熄灭 灵魂穿透 guāngmáng xímiè línghún chuān tòu The light dies out, my soul pierces through
还行走 hái xíngzǒu Still, I'm walking
忘记最初想象 wàngjì zuìchū xiǎngxiàng I forgot what I was first imagining
淡漠曾经虚妄 dànmò céngjīng xūwàng My apathy is no longer a farce
那彼方 nà bǐfāng At that place
心念模糊 守望 xīn niàn móhú shǒuwàng I'm on guard as my thoughts blur
在流浪 zài liúlàng I'm still wandering

浪*23 làng x23 wandering x23

为什么不停下 wèishéme bù tíng xià Why don't I stop?
为什么还挣扎 wèishéme hái zhēngzhá Why do I keep struggling?
倾斜角度扩大 qīngxié jiǎodù kuòdà The slope steepens
麻木就不害怕 mámù jiù bù hàipà If I'm numb, I won't be afraid
城市包围虚假 chéngshì bāowéi xūjiǎ The city defends the lies within
人来人往人踏 rén lái rén wǎng rén tà People come, people go, people walk
见不到吗 听不出吗 jiàn bù dào ma tīng bù chū ma Can't see it? Not hearing it clearly?
湮灭于禁锢心下 yānmiè yú jìngù xīn xià The destruction comes from within the heart

愤怒融在血液之中 叫嚣着不满 fènnù róng zài xuěyè zhī zhōng jiàoxiāozhe bùmǎn Anger thaws within the blood, making a scene isn't enough
臣服于这现实虚拟 却仍有不甘 chénfú yú zhè xiànshí xūnǐ què réng yǒu bùgān I concede to this false reality, but I'm still not swayed by it
轨迹偏转重建 新的世界 guǐjī piānzhuǎn chóngjiàn xīn de shìjiè My path diverts itself to create a new world
谁能发现 shéi néng fāxiàn Someone's gonna realize
那面目已变 nà miànmù yǐ biàn That old face of mine is now gone

水蓝色的星球 shuǐ lán sè de xīngqiú Heavenly bodies that are blue as water
均衡宇宙长久 jūnhéng yǔzhòu chángjiǔ The long-lasting harmony of the universe
没人破坏按钮 méi rén pòhuài ànniǔ And nobody to push the 'big red button'
规则秩序依旧 guīzé zhìxù yījiù Rules and order remain unchanged
人们笑着行走 rénmen xiàozhe xíngzǒu People smile as they go along
暗处没人嘶吼 àn chù méi rén sīhǒu Nobody shouting from dark corners
祥和夜晚 绚烂白昼 xiánghé yèwǎn xuànlàn báizhòu Peaceful nights, gorgeous days
平衡于浩瀚宇宙 pínghéng yú hàohàn yǔzhòu And the equilibrium of this vast universe

English translation by LollyLover6312

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