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! Warning: This song contains questionable elements; it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

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Song title
Original Upload Date
May 4, 2017
Prima (chorus)
Kotoba (music, lyrics, illustration)
YouTube Broadcast


In the point of all the truth is my daughter crying and screaming
because she was really really sad,
she don’t know how to talk to me
she can come with me again then
i’m praying for her self

Inside your mind is a tiny world that is called Kaoto
The name of the goddess of that world is Layle
I want to tell you his story

500 years ago
Maria was crying
I want to kill my...self
She is crying behind me
I can't do anything, please save her

I have to save her from the sadness
I have to save her
Crying Dying
Jennifer will come with us today

Goddess please save us from the demon
And let us be fine
I'm praying for serenity for prosperity
I'm praying for her

i know it...

If i can be reborn one day or today
I'm here asking forgiveness
I want to tell you
I'm going to cry
I'm going to die
I'm going to be with you

I think I have to view you directly from the world
maybe I will go in a form of a woman
yes I will go to the earth

And my name will be...
My name will be Kiku
And I going to live

I have a message from the deep of the sky
you have to
you have to protect to kiku
all the world have to sonrise before Kiku

kiku I heard you are the new goddess
and you are here to say now

you have to believe in Layle, you have to believe and you have to pray
In the tower it's a girl that is called the goddess of the fight Julia, in a far asylum

in a far asylum a poor girl that is sad
her name is kiku
and before kiku is a girl with tears in her face
diana is now her name

Welcome to my party, my corpse party,
wait for it, just wait for it

Please save me from the regret
And let me to open my eyes

I'm here praying for prssperity
For serenity
For the happiness
I'm praying for KIKU
