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Into The Distance
Song title
"Into The Distance"
Original Upload Date
October 19, 2013
arterial (music, lyrics)
SoundCloud Broadcast


Indonesian English
semakin jauh mata memandang As farther as the eyes gaze upon
semakin jelas tatapan itu That glare is just getting more obvious

cahaya langit sinariku The light of the sky enlighten me
jiwaku hangat disentuhnya My soul is warm as it touch me
mataku tatap langit biru My eyes gaze into the blue sky
impianku menjadi nyata My dream comes true

ambisi membakar diriku An ambition set myself in flame
sayapku menolak untuk terbang My wings refuse to fly
jurang neraka menantiku The chasm of hell awaits me
hanya tekadku harapanku My will is the only thing I can hope for

ragaku terjatuh tanpa akhir, tanpa batasan My body is fallen without end, without limit
tak ada cahaya jiwa yang memanduku There is no light for soul as my guide

langkahku terayunkan harapan yang tak terlihat My step is swung by an invisible hope
tak ada cahaya jiwa yang memanduku There is no light for soul as my guide

sejauh mata ini memandang As far as this eye gaze upon
hanya kulihat hamparan awan There is only vast amount of clouds to be seen
ku 'kan terus menggapai puncak itu I'll keep on reaching that summit
ku 'kan terus menggapai cahayamu I'll keep on reaching your light

English translation by Yuhihe
