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Song title
Original Upload Date
October 16, 2016
Yuezheng Ling
Yirry (music)
HUSKY (lyrics)
bilibili Broadcast (deleted) / YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


Chinese Pinyin English
月亮不曾照到那里 yuèliàng bùcéng zhào dào nàlǐ There, where the moon has never cast its beams,
水面泛着涟漪 shuǐmiàn fànzhe liányī Ripples are floating on the surface of the water.
夜空沉寂如同死去 yèkōng chénjì rútóng sǐqù The night sky is as still as death itself.
你的呼喊片刻不宁 nǐ de hūhǎn piànkè bù níng Your cries are bereft of calm, though only for a moment.
晦涩难懂的词句 huìsè nán dǒng de cíjù Such cryptic, elusive sentences
叩击我心 kòu jī wǒ xīn Strike my heart.

生来如我高高在上 shēnglái rú wǒ gāogāozàishàng From birth, I have been noble and set up on high.
不曾为何痴狂 bùcéng wèihé chīkuáng For nothing have I ever felt obsession,
而你言语穿透心墙 ér nǐ yányǔ chuān tòu xīn qiáng Yet your words penetrate the walls of my heart.
囚困住我心的牢房 qiú kùn zhù wǒ xīn de láofáng I imprison you in the cell of my heart, never to set you free.
若只为爱而溺亡 ruò zhǐ wèi ài ér nìwáng In this way, I will merely drown for the sake of love—
却又何妨 què yòu héfáng And yet what is the harm in that anyway?

你的身体像那皑皑白雪 nǐ de shēntǐ xiàng nà ái'ái báixuě Your body resembles the untouched, pure white snow
胜过卧在海中沉睡的月 shèngguò wò zài hǎizhōng chénshuì de yuè More than the moon, lying and slumbering within the sea.
你的头发好似漫长黑夜 nǐ de tóufǎ hǎosì màncháng hēiyè Your hair seems as long as the endless night.
星空也早已沉眠 xīngkōng yě zǎoyǐ chén mián The heavens also rested in peace long ago.

你的嘴唇如同血般鲜艳 nǐ de zuǐchún rútóng xuè bān xiānyàn Your lips are colored the vivid red of fresh blood
胜过踏碎葡萄后的足尖 shèngguò tà suì pútáo hòu de zújiān More than the toes that have trampled and smashed grapes underfoot.
而我渴望你纯净的一吻 ér wǒ kěwàng nǐ chúnjìng de yīwěn Yet I thirst for a single one of your pure kisses;
辗转于鲜红的唇 zhǎnzhuǎn yú xiānhóng de chún I toss and turn in those scarlet lips.

双足赤裸眼波葳蕤 shuāng zú chìluǒ yǎnbō wēi ruí Barefoot, I cast him an alluring glance, superb in its elegance.
七纱平添娇媚 qī shā píngtiān jiāomèi The seven veils ceaselessly increase my coquetry.
我看见他如痴如醉 wǒ kànjiàn tā rúchīrúzuì I see him, as stupefied as though drunk.
一心却只念你名讳 yīxīn què zhǐ niàn nǐ mínghuì Wholeheartedly yet plainly, I state your name.
若这是至上的美 ruò zhè shì zhìshàng de měi If this is the pinnacle of your beauty,
我愿迷醉 wǒ yuàn mízuì I wish to be bewitched by it.

他所许诺我的珠宝矿藏 tāsuǒ xǔnuò wǒ de zhūbǎo kuàngcáng The precious stones and jewels he promises me
不及你的一吻令我神往 bùjí nǐ de yīwěn lìng wǒ shénwǎng Cannot possibly match your kiss, which would hold me rapt.
他所应允我的万人之上 tāsuǒ yìngyǔn wǒ de wànrén zhīshàng The position above all others he consents to give me
不及你一吻高尚 bùjí nǐ yīwěn gāoshàng Cannot possibly match the loftiness of your kiss.

淫靡的女人倚靠着月亮 yínmí de nǚrén yǐkàozhe yuèliàng The lascivious woman rests upon the moon.
我跪伏在你头颅的一旁 wǒ guì fú zài nǐ tóulú de yīpáng I prostrate myself to the side of your head.
而你不再对我恶语相向 ér nǐ bùzài duì wǒ èyǔ xiāngxiàng Yet you will never again hurl those words of abuse my way.
多么可贵的安详 duōme kěguì de ānxiáng How praiseworthy this serenity is!

你的嘴唇如同血般鲜艳 nǐ de zuǐchún rútóng xuè bān xiānyàn Your lips are colored the vivid red of fresh blood
胜过踏碎葡萄后的足尖 shèngguò tà suì pútáo hòu de zújiān More than the toes that have trampled and smashed grapes underfoot.
而我终于得到你的一吻 ér wǒ zhōngyú dédào nǐ de yīwěn Yet, at last, I have obtained one of your kisses;
辗转于鲜红的唇 zhǎnzhuǎn yú xiānhóng de chún I toss and turn in those scarlet lips.

他在远处端着目光凶狠 tā zài yuǎn chù duānzhe mùguāng xiōnghěn From somewhere distant, he condescends to toss a vengeful glare my way.
士兵们的盾牌更近一寸 shìbīngmen de dùnpái gèng jìn yīcùn The shields of the soldiers inch closer.
若为真正的美献上终生 ruò wéi zhēnzhèng de měi xiànshàng zhōngshēng If for genuine beauty you offer up your lifespan,
我甘愿就此沉沦 wǒ gānyuàn jiùcǐ chénlún I will willingly thus fall into oblivion.

月亮不曾照到那里 yuèliàng bùcéng zhào dào nàlǐ There, where the moon has never cast its beams,
水面安然平静 shuǐmiàn ānrán píngjìng The surface of the water is tranquil and undisturbed.
夜空沉寂如同死去 yèkōng chénjì rútóng sǐqù The night sky is as still as death itself.
早已无人高声言语 zǎoyǐ wúrén gāoshēng yányǔ None remain there to speak loudly.
这样苦涩的爱情 zhèyàng kǔsè de àiqíng Like this, our bitter romance
于我足矣 yú wǒ zú yǐ Sufficed in my eyes.

English translation by MeaningfulUsername, with edits by CoolMikeHatsune22

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