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Sha Tu Wen de Qun Bai
Song title
Traditional Chinese: 莎圖溫的裙擺
Pinyin: Shātúwēn de Qún Bǎi
English: The Dress of Lady Saturn
Original Upload Date
July 10, 2015
Luo Tianyi
TiaonanP (music, lyrics)
Muir (illustration)
GhostFinal (mastering)
Ye Aya San (video)
bilibili Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Chinese Pinyin English
在 星海漫过 沉没 zài xīnghǎi mànguò chénmò The galaxy flooded and inundated me
指尖流苏 任苍穹闪烁 zhǐ jiān liúsū rèn cāngqióng shǎnshuò The fringes kiss my fingers with the universe shining
裙摆似你身影环绕我 qún bǎi shì nǐ shēnyǐng huánrào wǒ My dress is like your embrace that holds me
伸手却无法触摸 shēnshǒu què wúfǎ chùmō Though I can’t touch it when I want

辗转寻觅照耀 niǎnzhuǎn xúnmì zhàoyào Fly between the stars
你 留下的记号 nǐ liú xià de jìhào And look for the mark you left
漫漫银河中再找不到 mànmàn yínhé zhōng zài zhǎo bù dào I can never get it in a boundless galaxy

深深刻下裂痕 shēnshēn kè xià lièhén Engrave the cracks deeply,
只留下了我一人 zhǐ liú xiàle wǒ yīrén Only I am left alone
与思念的倾盆 yǔ sīniàn de qīngpén With my yearning pours

仿佛在耳边呼唤着的声音 fǎngfú zài ěr biān hūhuànzhe de shēngyīn The sound calling me in my ears
来自遥不可及的距离 láizì yáo bùkě jí de jùlí But it comes from somewhere far I can’t touch
裙摆忽然扬起思绪 将我囚禁 qún bǎi hūrán yáng qǐ sīxù jiāng wǒ qiújìn My dress suddenly becomes a prison full of my thoughts
埋葬在永夜里 máizàng zài yǒng yèlǐ Buried in the eternal night

星尘散落在手心化作砂砾 xīng chén sànluò zài shǒuxīn huà zuò shālì Stardust falls on my hand and becomes grit
默数再次相会的日期 mò shù zàicì xiāng huì de rìqí I counted the days till we would meet again
不知在何年何月还能否想起 bùzhī zài hé nián hé yuè hái néng fǒu xiǎngqǐ To guess if one day I could remember
你运行的轨迹 nǐ yùnxíng de guǐjī Your moving orbit

听 眼角划过 流星 tīng yǎnjiǎo huàguò liúxīng Listen, a shooting star from canthus
滑落胸膛 心脏在灼伤 huáluò xiōngtáng xīnzàng zài zhuóshāng Slipped down my chest and burnt my heart
模糊的你 像一个陷阱 móhú de nǐ xiàng yīgè xiànjǐng You are vague, like a trap
忘了痛还在沉浸 wàngle tòng hái zài chénjìn I forgot my pain and fell into it

仿佛为自己许下过的约定 fǎngfú wèi zìjǐ xǔ xiàguò de yuēdìng The arrangement that I’ve made for myself
残留无法辨认的字迹 cánliú wúfǎ biànrèn de zìjì Illegible inscriptions are left over
还在幻想有奇迹将伤痕抚平 hái zài huànxiǎng yǒu qíjī jiāng shānghén fǔ píng I’m still imagining that there is a miracle that could fix my scars
直到自我抽离 zhídào zìwǒ chōu lí Until I was taken away

夜空星座伴耀眼裙摆掠过 yèkōng xīngzuò bàn yàoyǎn qún bǎi lüèguò Night stars skimmed over with brilliant dresses
勾勒不出是你的轮廓 gōulè bù chū shì nǐ de lúnkuò I can’t outline your face now
这尘封的想念 能否为你诉说 zhè chénfēng de xiǎngniàn néng fǒu wèi nǐ sùshuō Could I express my dusty yearning to you
请你告诉我 qǐng nǐ gàosu wǒ Please tell me

情愿坠落在你的宇宙里 qíngyuàn zhuìluò zài nǐ de yǔzhòu lǐ I’m willing to sink into your universe
别再留下远去的背影 bié zài liú xià yuǎn qù de bèiyǐng Please don’t leave me behind your silhouette

还来不及 为你 幻化作无形的光晕 hái láibují wèi nǐ huànhuà zuò wúxíng de guāng yūn I have no time to change into an immaterial halo for you

English translation by VNN

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